So here we are in May, already a week in. The produce start is slow, or at least, it seems slow to me, party due to the last two weeks of looking at snow, the storm that hit us with the scale of a winter storm - 10 inches of fairly heavy snow, then another 5 inches of lighter fluffy stuff for the following days. It took a week to melt; there are still patches of snow in the shady parts of the woods!
We have started several crops in small batches, less our tomato plants of which we have planted all we want for the year and these are already transplanted into three inch pots, about 125 plants in all. Otherwise, we have lettuce, beets, peas, peppers and cucumbers, three types of bunch onion, our delicious Lemon Grass, some herbs and some flowers in trays ready to be planted any time.
Yesterday gave opportunity to put some climbing pole beans in a small plot beside the house where the house creates a warmer micro-climate. This year, we chose the Annie Jackson bean, a really nice looking burgundy and cream colored bean, perfect for drying and storing into winter. Today's tasks included some more transplanting, watering, tilling the cold-frame greenhouse and working some of the ground in the new field with the tractor and plow.
We will post in the next few days as things start to ramp up with the warmer weather coming.
Herbs and Lettuce |
Lettuce |
Radish with Cukes in background |
Head Lettuce |
Beets |
Tomato Transplants |
Homesteader Peas |
Morden Early Cucumbers |