Monday, October 30, 2017

Switching over to winter activity

It seems to me that I must have had alot to do with the addition of haying this year.  Noting my last blog post date and the topic that it was, I draw this conclusion. :)

As we removed the last of the produce from the field, greenhouse and hot house, it was clear that this summer was not as warm as last.  The Sweet peppers were the biggest indicator with only a few plants producing full sized peppers, followed by the potato plants not growing into large spuds.  This was noted across the area by several of the vegetable producers.

Wintery weather hit us October 26th and 27th, with near 10 inches of wet snow falling across the region.  This curbed any further work out of doors and shifted tasks to many of the indoor ones.  So on the schedule now is getting some woodwork done for market stock.  With the help of my daughter we are coming up with different ideas for our usual stock and hoping these items will appeal, especially as we head into the Christmas season.

Over the Remembrance Day weekend, the reality of a wet and early winter came to visit with the collapse of our large greenhouse.  It seems that with the existing plastic having been a bit torn in places, the snow load was uneven and the whole unit went down like a set of dominoes.  I have a pretty good idea of what I will be doing in April next year!

In the meantime we will be attending markets to sell Christmas gift ideas.  One major market left at the Oxdrift Hall on December 9th.