Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Part 3 - Heat controlled planting bed

Over the weekend, I was able to complete the plumbing of the heating system in the new Hot House.  Once I had the system assembled, I connected the hot water from our wood stove and checked for leaks. Only a couple, but quickly fixed. It was mid-afternoon and a heavy rainstorm was moving in so I wanted to be sure that everything was working to save being out in the rain doing final connections.

So the bed temperature was only a few degrees above 0 C, and the water coming in was around 50 C. In about 16 hours, the soil mass had increased in temperature to about 14 C. Stoking the fire, I got the water temperature up to about 70 C and while the cold weather Sunday and Monday passed, the heat mass of the planting bed seemed to be stable, but too cool for what I had planned, to be able to control the temperature around 24 C. However, I did add 80 litres of ice-cold water to the bed in that time and the heat had to rise up through 45 cm of soil - this would make the heat up time a bit slower.

So Tuesday and Wednesday have been much warmer and the furnace water has been coming in at a more regular temperature range, 60 to 75 C, depending on the state of the boiler. Tonight, the bed temperature has exceeded 24 C and is at about 32 C! So it is a very slow process to heat the soil in the planting bed, but with a bit of ambient heat gain, it has warmed the bed nicely and is holding well.

Observations will be kept and by Saturday, I should be able to put the carrot seed in place both in this heated bed and the control plot in an unheated bed. I will post the results as the carrots start to sprout!

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