We've had a socially busy month with planning and prepping for a wedding in our back yard on the May long weekend, so now it is back to the grind and time to update on the gardening - field and greenhouses!
Things in the Hothouse are growing well. Today we opened up the plastic wall as there is a forecast high of 28 degrees which could become a bit to hot for the lettuce without some major ventilation. It seems each bed has a uniqueness about it, maybe it is just the vegetables being in different locations since last year - we've modified location to capitalize on the hotter or cooler zones of the Hothouse for each vegetable type.
The greenhouse is nearly full of tomato, pepper and cucumber transplants. We've also added a wall of peas and a group of tomatillos in the greenhouse as we've pared back on the variety of tomato plants and have that bit of space to use. Last year of our four varieties we had a tomato variety called "Early Orange Stripe" that seemed to dominate the other tomato varieties. It's orange striped top characteristics blended by Open Pollination and gave the Earliana Tomato variety some orange striping. Quite amazing what will happen with the varieties in this way.
The field is now full of seeds and bulbs. The field has not been used much until this year so we will be tending to alot of weeds and leftover grass clods in order to keep the things we planted from being crowded out. We have already run a cultivator between the rows to knock down the weeds and may have to do this every week for the next while.
Our chicks are growing as well - 25 days old and rambunctious! These will be our new egg layers in another three to four months. The birds are Columbian Rock Cross Red. They are a heritage breed and generally speaking are quite calm and are a bit larger than the average egg layer.
So for now, things are status quo. Enjoy the photos!
Lettuce | |
Beets | |
Celery and Organic Red Onions |
Greenhouse tomatoes and peppers |
The new field |
Potatoes |
Spanish Onions |
Chicks at 25 days old |
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